The Healing Powers of a hot Soak and Lonely Rhinos

On returning home from our very short holiday in the south of England, there are two things in particular that get in the way of what is my nightly, incessant and quite confusing stream of thoughts.


To me, the English countryside is still rather exotic.

 I need a big bathtub. 

Oh, and I have seen Rhinos outside an old manor house in the Cotswolds.

 At all the three places we stayed over, we were tucked up in white Egyptian Cotton, and regardless of price for the room, they provided us with wonderfully sized cast iron baths.

Now, I'm not sure about the healing powers of having Rhinos pottering about in the garden, but a nice long hot soak in the evening... 

We don't have much space left in our house, but maybe we could fit an Aston Matthews roll top Rimini on pedestal in the office, without being too nostalgic nor offending my "not yet published author" boyfriend by asking him to move out of his writing cave?

Apparently,- By increasing the blood flow in the body, a hot bath helps the circulation of white blood cells, enabling the immune system to work faster and more efficiently. A hot soak increases the production of endorphins or body’s pain kille…


By increasing the blood flow in the body, a hot bath helps the circulation of white blood cells, enabling the immune system to work faster and more efficiently. A hot soak increases the production of endorphins or body’s pain killers which are associated with euphoria and happiness. Endorphins also stimulate the immune system, reduce pain, and help tissues heal faster. Reports, are that soaking in a hot tub before bed can ease the transition into deeper, more comfortable sleep. The deep, relaxing sensation you get from time spent soaking in a hot tub helps release tension and starts you on the path to a restful slumber. Once you’re immersed in warm water, your body’s temperature is raised, which increases blood circulation. When you leave the hot tub, your core temperature lowers slowly, signaling to the body that it’s time to sleep.

Yes. Thank you British sleep foundation. 

Three day road trip in the south of England coming up, in the cheapest rental car we can get, hopefully a fiat, and not a surprise vauxhall.

For the easter holidays, we have decided on breaking into the piggy bank for a mini road-trip with the youngest around southern England. We have booked three overnight stays at different spots, but have yet to plan any activities ahead of time. We shall see...

Though lacking in hunter wellies, a Land Rover and knickerbockers, I'm sure THE PIG-at Combe will serve me a nice brew in the folly on our second leg of the journey. According to the website, THE PIG is a secluded, mellow, honey coloured Elizabethan gem set in 3,500 acres of lush Devonshire countryside near Honiton, Devon. I'm sure it's all that stands between us and the perfect life we've imagined. XXX


Can't wait to see what all this is about.. The Pig Hotel at Combe.

Can't wait to see what all this is about.. The Pig Hotel at Combe.